Friday, December 31, 2010

Year End Reflections

As I look back over 2010, I began the year in the S. F. Bay Area working with a group there. A fond memory. March 1 saw me depart for southern CA, where I helped my daughter and son-in-law move, spent time at a ministry to the homeless in San Diego, and began my trek back east. Spent time with my sister and brother-in-law in MO & wrestled with my tax return. April found me in Memphis in a long lasting community, and later in Atlanta in another that began decades rather than years ago. May began the E. Coast ascent, which deposited me back in New England in the beginning of June. By July I believed that God wanted me to stay for awhile rather than continue my peregrinations thru the U. S. Revisited eighteen different groups over the next six months, lived with friends for two, and then into a room in the city for the remainder of the year. In December completed an ESL teaching course.
During the year I found myself listening a lot, becoming more flexible, a little more loving (I hope). God graciously provided for my needs through a number of people.
I met quite a few new people and saw others I had not seen for thirty or more years. Thankfully I was able to keep up many existing friendships.
One phenomenon that I experienced a number of times was paying for someone else's sins. Whenever we don't allow God to heal us emotionally/spiritually, or we don't forgive, we begin to plant anger inside us. Then a catalyst, often inadvertent, triggers that unhealed or unforgiven place in our soul, and we take it out on someone else.
Fellow shipped with Gary yesterday, and had the privilege of observing what remarkable things God is doing in his life. When we allow the Holy Spirit to lodge the Word of God in our hearts, and begin to respond there is no limit to what God can do in us.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pre Blizzard Reflections

After several days of relaxation following the completion of my TEFL course, God blessed me with the privilege of providing a ride for Caleb & his fiancee Jacki as we went to celebrate at his parent's home yesterday. Caleb is a godly young man whom the Lord is placing in the artistic community as a witness. Jacki is a sculptor, which reminded me of one of my favorite images of God, as one chiseling away the garbage from our lives to reveal Christ within. Caleb's brother Nic joined us along with his grandparents. Caleb's mother Debra prepared quite a feast for our delectation. His dad John, a friend of twenty-six years, read a passage about Simeon waiting for the birth of the Messiah from Luke 2.
Earlier in the day I had opened a gift from my daughter, a photograph of her and her husband depicting absolute bliss. I am thankful to God for their happiness.
As is my habit of many years, I am reading through the Bible in consecutive order and have just finished Romans. Truly the Bible is an inexhaustible treasure for those to whom the Holy Spirit reveals it.
As I glance out the sole window of my room I see occasional swirling flakes, the precursor of what the weather people say is a blizzard with at least two feet of snow and very high winds. I don't intend to venture out until it is over, and then I get to shovel out my car. Oh, the dubious joys of New England.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Graduation & Beyond

Graduated from a demanding and rigorous TEFL course yesterday that, at times, I thought I would never complete. It was a challenging, satisfying, and revealing experience. I worked together with a group of eight fellow students and two instructors whom I had not previously met, people of various backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities. Graduating opens many potential doors, many overseas. Time will tell which should be pursued.
I am thankful to get my life back. Just last night had the joy and privilege of worshipping with Brazilian brethren, courtesy of our brother Marcio. We in the U. S. have much to learn from their hospitality, strong families, joy, and fervor. Within a couple of minutes of meeting a brother visiting from Brazil, I received a genuine, warm offer to visit him at his home there. I am thankful that Marcio and his wife Jana have received a word from the Lord to serve as a bridge between the Brazilian and American church. We are all brothers and sisters of God's family.
Am also looking forward to visiting and fellowshipping with precious brethren whom I have not been able to get together with over the last month. At the same time I need to study English grammar daily so I can explain the mechanics of the language to ESL learners. "To the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen." (Romans 16:27 ESV)

Friday, December 17, 2010


As I complete my third full week of ESL teacher training, I feel like I on a long sea journey in a small craft (Captain Bligh's 4,000 mile open boat voyage after Fletcher Christian took over the Bounty comes to mind) with nine other people. One is our instructor, the most experienced "sailor" among us. The others are a random collection of people, only two of whom have taught ESL before. Prior to taking the course we had never met. We comprise seven men and two women, of varied ages and backgrounds, and we have been thrown together daily for the past three weeks except weekends. Each of the students has taught five times now, at least once to each of the three levels, and we are beginning to know the ropes (continuing the nautical analogy.)
I have personally received a tremendous amount of encouragement, for which I am very grateful. This has proved to be a difficult challenge for me, exercising strengths and revealing weaknesses.
While I look forward to getting my life back in a few days, I am thankful for the experience and all the training I received.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Am halfway through my TEFL training. Quite a roller coaster ride. I have always thought that I learn most things by reading but taking this course has revealed that I learn by doing. Once I reflected on forty years of working with my hands this made perfect sense. I find interacting with students fulfilling and enjoyable; it will take a long time to master the material. As a native speaker I practice English grammar every time I speak or write. The challenge is to explain it to someone else. A second reality is that many of the students understand the mechanics of grammar better than I do. So I must draw it out of them to help the others.
Good time with the Cambridge brothers Saturday morning. We continue to explore the theme of apostolic traditions. We have come to an overall consensus that we should follow the traditions of the apostles because of the lack of a Biblical alternative, while reserving the actual interpretation and application of the specific traditions to subsequent sessions.
Also blessed in fellowship with our brother Gary. What a precious saint he is in the sight of God. May he receive wisdom and discernment from our Lord Jesus Christ.
A special thank you for all who are praying for me.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cultural Change

Having just received a week of intensive ESL language training in a major American city, I experienced first hand the avalanche of cultural change. As a child in school I was taught in what I would now call "Old Style," an amalgam of lectures, tests, note taking, memorization based on the premise that the teachers knew their stuff. The society had not yet lost its sense of propositional truth. Today's schooling is student-centered, entertainment based, incorporating many varieties of learning, and is much more feeling oriented. I suspect the the feminizing of our society plays a major role in this. But what does this say for teaching Biblical truth. Is it passe? Do those who know little teach one another? Do we need to feel good about something before accepting it? Personal observation says that most American Christians are Biblically illiterate, even after many years in the faith. Do we need to examine other methods of Scripture acquisition?
Thankful to get together with some of the brothers in our group this morning to update one another on our lives, pray, and look at some verses pertaining to the importance of apostolic traditions.
Appreciate any prayers for this month of schooling, all day, every week day plus homework. "God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Cor. 1:9 ESV)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

We Make It Our Aim To Please Him

As I begin my TEFL course tomorrow, an intense 4 wk. every week day, all day affair, I probably won't be able to write very many blog entries. So here's one for the road. Quiet week, T'day with my roommate, a former cook who did himself proud. Very blessed to fellowship with the saints. Almost as many visitors as regulars; every week is different. My friend Doug, whom I've known since '93 has concluded a twenty-eight year military career. God has transformed him into a spiritual father. "For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel." ( I Cor. 4:15 ESV)
My friends Ross and Trina, an itinerant ministry couple, also visited us for the second time this month. God is opening doors for them all over the country. At the moment they are poised to minister the gospel in Nantucket. We had the privilege of hearing some testimonies from them.
Our brother Matt W shared on the theme of persecution both from the Word and current examples. "Remember the word that I said to you. A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours." (John 15:20 ESV) "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted..." (2 Tim 3:12) "So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him." (2 Cor. 5:9 ESV)

Friday, November 26, 2010

And He Praises Her

While reflecting on a situation that I am attempting to help in this week, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a verse in Proverbs 31. Towards the end of a passage about the "virtuous woman" or "the wife of noble character," the Word says, "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." (Prov. 31:28 ESV)I believe this is a crucial ingredient of the husband's servant leadership in the home. He must express sincere appreciation and thankfulness to his wife. If I am correct in my interpretation of the creation of Eve in Genesis 2, then God has created men to initiate and women to respond. This divine order can be thwarted by many things but if we put it into practice we should eventually see good results. What we sow we shall reap. (Gal. 6:7) I suggest short, straightforward praise and appreciation. Don't try to be clever or say things that have multiple potential interpretations.
A quiet week although I finally submitted my application to take a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language)course at a local language school. I start the intensive, 4 week, 10-5 every week day plus homework course on Monday. Appreciate your prayers that I do well. Maybe my blog entries will improve. "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14 ESV)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Assault on Paul

Recently I have heard a number of attacks on the validity of the New Testament writings of Paul the Apostle. One consisted of a dream, allegedly from Jesus Christ, in which He told the dreamer that Paul's letters were in error. Another person told me that “Jesus would rebuke Paul” for certain things that he had written. A third individual told me that Paul's letters were relevant only to their original recipients and not to anyone of subsequent times. This represents the tip of the iceberg of the assault on Paul. I should not be surprised at these statements since Paul suffered opposition during his ministry.
Some take a different tack and refer to several instances where Paul gave his opinion and come to the conclusion that they can ignore him on those grounds. What does the Bible say? Can we dismiss, or ignore or pick and choose among the eighty-seven chapters and over two thousand verses penned by Paul? Or is this an illegitimate exercise based on a false teaching that denies the inspiration, inerrancy and authority of the whole Bible?
In the second letter to Timothy, chapter three, verse sixteen, we read that “All Scripture is breathed out by God.” Peter the apostle writes in his second letter (1:16-21) that the prophetic word is more sure that his personal experience with Jesus at the Mount of Transfiguration. He writes, “Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” The direct involvement of the Holy Spirit in the process of writing the Bible is crucial. Often referred to as dual authorship, it means that the Holy Spirit superintended the recording of the words of the Bible thus changing it from ancient writing to the Word of God.
The New Testament is replete with examples of the involvement of the Holy Spirit. For example, in Acts 1:16 Peter says, “Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David...” Mark 12:36 references Jesus saying, “David himself, in the Holy Spirit, declared... and proceeds to quote from Psalm 110. Hebrews 3:7 records “Therefore as the Holy Spirit says, “ and quotes from Psalm 95. Later in the same letter (10:15ff) the author writes, “And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us, for after saying,” and quotes from Jeremiah 31:33. And no wonder for Jesus promised that the Father would give us a Helper, the Spirit of truth (John 14:16-17), and that He would teach and remind us everything that Jesus said. (John 14:25-26) The Spirit will guide us into all truth (John 16:13), which Jesus tells us is His Word. (John 17:17)
Can we somehow separate Paul's writings from this work of the Holy Spirit? Ironically some of those who claim to be most led by the Spirit do this because they don't understand that the Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself. He does not have one thing written in the Word and then tell you or I something completely different.
A perusal of 1 Cor. 4:18-21 reveals that those who resist Paul will have the authority of the Lord shown to them. “For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.” (V. 20) In 14:37 Paul writes, “If anyone thinks he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord.” In both 2 Corinthians 10:8 and 13:10 Paul asserts that he has received authority from the Lord.
After Paul planted churches in the region of Galatia he faced resistance to his gospel. He insists that he received his apostleship from God directly, not through men (Gal. 1:1); that he received his gospel through a revelation of Jesus Christ, not through men; (Gal 1:12) and that those who were influential in the church (other apostles) added nothing to his message. (Gal 2:6)
The Thessalonians received the Word of God through Paul. “And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers.” (2 Thess 2:13ESV) Are they dismissing, ignoring, or picking and choosing among the things written to them? I think not.
Paul states to Titus and the brethren in Crete that he was an apostle of Jesus Christ, “for the sake of the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth... manifested in his word through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Savior.” (Titus 1:1-3) Do we have the audacity to say that God did not command that Paul be entrusted with His word?
Finally we have the second letter of Peter who writes, “And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks to them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and the unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.” (2 Peter 3:15-17 ESV) Peter explicitly equates Paul's letters with Scripture and warns his readers not to get carried away with the errors of lawless people. We may not like what Paul wrote, or we may not understand certain things but it is a staggering level of hubris (arrogance/self importance) to arrogate for ourselves whether we will deny any or all of Paul's writing as divinely inspired.
As for whether we should follow Paul's “opinions” in 1 Corinthians 7:25 and 40, have any of us been taken up into the third heaven and heard things which it is not lawful for a man to utter? ( 2 Cor. 12:1-4) Do we have his credentials of suffering for the faith of Christ? ( 2 Cor. 11:21-29) Have we manifested the signs of a true apostle? ( 2 Cor. 12:12) Can we truly say “Be imitators of me as I am of Christ?” ( 1 Cor. 11:1 cf. Phil 3:17, 2 Thess 2:14) Have we worked harder than all the other apostles, planted churches and been entrusted with writing a large portion of the New Testament? I'd much rather have Paul's opinion than anyone now living.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fellowshipping with the Brethren

Wednesday evening I had the privilege of praying with Ken and Steve. Thank God for their willingness to to seek Him together, and to counsel about several themes. "Behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers gather together in unity." (Psalm 133:1 ESV) Stayed overnight at Steve & Donna's home. Thanks for your hospitality. Off Thursday morning to see my good friend John. He has suffered through some dangerous health issues recently, and I particularly wished to know what God has been revealing to him in this time. He mentioned a strong sense of the presence of God, and appreciation for even the little things like a drink of water. May all of us exhibit the same faith and dependence on God when our time of trial comes.
Thursday afternoon I visited Ben & Jill & their baby girl. She has gained a little peach fuzz on her scalp and had the most enjoyable time playing in a plastic laundry basket. Ben & I discussed creation, and eldership a little bit, but I had gotten there later than I had hoped and he needed to go. That evening our brother Matt joined me on a visit to our brother Nick. He is a new brother that has committed himself to our fellowship. I was delighted with the course of our time together. Only the Holy Spirit can work in us the blend of gentleness and firmness that we need in our interaction with one another. Looking forward to more time spent with Nick.
Friday morning disappeared into the bowels of the T (Boston's subway system) and emerged at Harvard, where I met with our brother Gary. We are (slowly) working our way through Romans, concentrating on 8:18-25 this time. We also prayed and counseled together. He is in the last year of a doctoral program and has begun job interviews. I think he looks forward to this new season of life. Finally this morning brothers from our house church met together to explore the topics of the purpose of the Church, and what structure best facilitates its fullfillment. We explored the reality that Jesus did not stay on earth to establish the church but gave that responsibility to the apostles under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Believers rely on the teaching of the apostles for our doctrine. Why not our practice as well?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Leadership Tips

One of the positive effects of multiplying house churches is the need this creates for maturity and development of gifts in the individuals involved. A regular church of two hundred only requires one teacher, one worship facilitator etc. Ten house churches of twenty people each needs a minimum of ten who can teach, ten who can facilitate worship, ten who exercise hospitality by allowing the saints to gather in their homes, and can utilize many more. The other side of the coin is that lack of leadership hinders the multiplication of home based gatherings. It becomes incumbent on those whom God has called to lead to equip and mentor others. This results in the development of gifts in people that would otherwise lie dormant in a setting where they really weren't needed.
The following are a handful of tips for leaders to consider.
A. Those who take responsibility need to followup on things. Far too little is typically accomplished on the first attempt. Perseverance is the key.
B. Thank people for doing even the littlest things. Acknowledgment and recognition of people's efforts go a long way.
C. Don't try to solve every problem yourself. Ask others for their ideas and solutions. If at all possible agree with them. You will probably receive some good ideas and will help people feel that they are valuable.
D. Communicate, communicate,communicate. E-mail, phone and in person. It is much more difficult for the enemy to derail Kingdom work if we know what one another is thinking.
E. Love. God (and others) have put up with an awful lot from us over the years. We need to bear with one another.
F. In working with a troublesome person, do your best to establish trust and relationship. Ask God to help you discern why a person is doing what they are doing. Most responses are triggered by a current stimulus but fueled by a person's past experiences. But don't put up with defiance.
Josh, thanks for being used of God to draw these things out of me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Steadfast love of God

Thursday morning met with our brother Josh for good fellowship and interaction not to mention an Anna's burrito. That evening met with the support/accountability bros, something I always need. Worked all week on the English grammar book I had purchased on Monday, taking notes and cudgeling my failing memory to retain what I read. Finally finished it tonight and will start at the beginning again tomorrow.
Had breakfast with M. T. this morning, discussing business issues. Blueberry pancakes at Terrie's Restaurant. Blessed today by numerous visitors to our house church gathering, including three college friends of Alex's, an itinerant couple named Ross & Trina, and our brother Steve, an elder in an HC in York, ME. Delighted with the hospitality of Dan and Julie, in our first time at their home. Hospitality is such an under rated gift. Steve spoke about coming to know God as Father, and about the need for developing leaders while Ross shared about the amazing ministry journey that God has taken him and his wife Trina on. I had an opportunity to give a reflection on the love of God manifested in my life and eight volunteers read verses on His love. Josh, Dan, Mary and Trina facilitated worship. Thank you, Jesus. I am exhilarated at what I see God doing. May we respond to it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Normally when I wake in the morning I get up and do something like preparing breakfast or using the facilities. On Monday I just lay there for almost an hour, reflecting on and receiving the love of God. He reminded me of the misery that my life contained before I truly knew His love, and reviewed the journey by which He persuaded me of it. Verses like Psalm 31:7 (I will rejoice and be glad in your love, for you have seen my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul), Nahum 1:7 ( The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble, He cares for those who trust in Him, and Romans 5:8 (but God shows His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us) and its companion, Romans 5:5 (and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us) paraded through my memory.
I had lived the Christian life the way I thought it should be done rather than allowing Him to live it through me. This had caused me to come to a place of utter devastation, and caused harm to many others. Yet when I finally came to the end of myself, He gave me another chance, and through a lengthy season of confession and repentance, restored me to Himself. Thank you God, for reminding me of these things as I soaked in your presence.
Had good fellowship with our brother Dale K. It seems that God often places us in situations, like work, that we can't easily get out of, in order to do His work in us. I liken it to spiritual vise grips, securing us so that the sanctifying Spirit can make us more like Christ.
Wednesday evening concluded our mini-series on the Kingdom of God. Our brother Matt W spoke of the rulers of the two kingdoms, Jesus of the kingdom of God, and the devil of the kingdom of darkness, using their diametrically opposed attributes to illustrate the differences between them.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


On Monday sat in on a class for people in training to teach ESL. It's been forty years since i studied English grammar & i haven't taken a college course for twenty. Currently praying about taking this course in order to teach at a language school.
While thankful for the results of the elections on Tuesday, I know i can place no faith in the world's economic or political systems.
My very good friend John was in the hospital all week with a severe bacterial infection. Am thanking God for the prayers that have gone before the throne of God on his behalf. Had good fellowship with brothers Ken & Steve this week.
Saturday morning met with some brothers from our church to explore the theme of eldership and that of brotherhood. I believe the latter is far more important. Drove out to Worcester to pray for John in the hospital, then to CT. to see my brother Kevin, then on to Burnie & Meghan's for the Mansfield HC gathering. Shared a sampling of Paul's prayers for the churches with them. Spent the night with Dale & Helen in their oasis of serenity before driving to Boston this morning.
Fellowshipped with a group in Dorchester at Mom McCoy's house. So thankful for their hospitality. Our brother Jim taught on the theme of God has made us somebody. Each group I visit is unique and special in God's sight. Finally I went to my home house church. We are transitioning out of a church planting phase into a new season. Taught on the gospel, utilizing points from the book, "What is the Gospel?" by Greg Gilbert. Also enjoyed good fellowship over the phone with our brothers Matt D. & Matt W.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Recently my attention has been drawn to the theme of eldership in a house church context. In the nineteen area house churches that I have any degree of relationship with, only a very few have tackled this question in a way reflecting NT patterns. (I recognize that virtually all groups have people who function as elders or leaders) It is an issue whose time has come. As I reflect on it, I believe that certain key elements are necessary.
A. Elders are male (Note the phrase husband of one wife in both 1 Tim 3 & Titus 1)
B. They aspire to the task (Again 1 Tim 3:1)
C. Their wives are willing to make the sacrifice required of them in allowing their husband to give time and energy to the saints. They believe their marriage is healthy enough to stand the strain.
D. The would be elders meet the detailed qualifications laid out in 1 Tim 3 & Titus 1 including humility, the indispensable ingredient for any leader, expressed in Acts 20:19 & 1 Peter 5:1-7
E. The consensus of the church acknowledges what God has done in the candidate's life to develop in him the godly character and servant leader qualities of an elder
F. The ekklesia prays for and lays hands on the brother publicly
G. There is some form of outside validation, i.e. mature brethren from outside the group who also bear witness although the consensus of the church, as people directly affected by his ministry, is more important.
The above is intended as a working outline rather than a definitive doctrinal statement.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Regional Gathering

On Sunday received the joy & privilege of attending a New England wide gathering of saints meeting in homes. At least ten different groups were represented. We met in the gym of a Christian school for fellowship, the Lord's Supper as a full meal, praise and interactive sharing. We deeply appreciative the labor of love by the Sutton group, aided by the Whitinsville group in hosting this time. We also appreciate Paul, Donna, and Nic, our musicians that facilitated our worship of the King. On a personal level I was blessed with one on one times with Nick, Ed, Tom as well as connecting different people together. Very blessed to have the northern contingent from NH & ME come in numbers.
Also very thankful to God for the opportunity to pray for our brother Bruce as he leaves for a missionary journey in Asia, and to give him the opportunity to share his heart for New England. Bruce is a strategic thinker, a man who has a worldwide vision, and one who has patiently networked throughout the Body of Christ for years. I am thankful to have him in our midst.
I also want to recognize our brother Matt W, and the catalytic work that God continues to do through him. Some years ago I organized and hosted two smaller scale regional gatherings in a park in N. Reading. After the second year I got discouraged. Matt picked up the ball, changed the venue, and took the vision to the next level before handing it off to the Sutton group last year.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


In recent times several people have brought up the subject of memorizing Scripture to me or me to them. My original inspiration was an biography of the founder of The Navigators ministry, Dawson Trotman, that I read in the early 90's. Practicing memorization of the Scripture has proved invaluable in helping to make me more Christlike. While one does not find an absolute command to do so in the Bible, what we do see makes for a compelling case. For example, Ps. 119:11 "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (ESV) Or, Proverbs 22:17-18 "Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge, for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, if all of them on ready on your lips. Consider the example of Jesus when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness following the 40 day fast. "But he answered, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Note his subsequent responses in Matthew 4:6 & 10 when He quotes Scripture in response to temptation.
Some practical tips include memorizing verses or passages that really stand out to you, are especially meaningful. Memorize the reference i.e. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 By saying the reference both before and after the verse you will be able to find it even if you forget part of it. Many people have remarked on my ability to find things in the Bible. It is due to following this practice when I memorized. Finally, review, review, review.
Last Monday had the privilege of spending several hours with our brother Alex in arboreal serenity. Thanks for the fellowship, bro. This morning met with some brothers from our ekklesia in further exploration of how we should make decisions as a group. We looked into eldership, which we had not done in any formal manner. I hope to make that the subject of my next post.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kingdom of God

In recent times I have sought revelation on the Kingdom of God. The ubiquity of this theme, particularly in the NT, makes it difficult to comprehend in its fullness. The kingdom is come, but not completely fulfilled. Through its King, our Lord Jesus, it has invaded and ultimately defeated the kingdom of darkness. Something small grows to immense size. (Matt. 13:31ff) Citizens of the Kingdom receive power over sin, sickness, the demonic, and death- although we still wrestle with these things.
Greg Gilbert, author of "What is the Gospel?", a clear, concise, helpful book given to me by our brother Ed C, defines it this way. "The Kingdom of God is His redemptive rule, reign and authority over those redeemed by Jesus." (p. 88) This leads to my belief that the Kingdom expands one person at a time, as they submit to the Lordship of Christ in their lives. Once this begins then the Kingdom is strengthened by our relational bonds with God and each other.
Tuesday evening had the joy and privilege of partnering with our brother John in facilitating a gathering of regional elders representing eight separate ekklesias. John did an excellent job of keeping us on topic, which consisted primarily of praying for the different churches in such a way that everyone had the opportunity to share. We hope to get together again in 3 months, which would make the fourth time we've come together.
Yesterday served as a subject in an experiment conducted by our brother Gary in his neuro motor lab, the first time I had done something like that. In the evening taught on the kingdom of God to the saints in our house church. Looking forward to our brother Matt's presentation the next two weeks.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lebanon ( ME & CT)

Midday Saturday drove up to Lebanon, ME to visit a house church there. Had fellow shipped with some of the people in this group for about a year some time ago. They welcomed me so warmly that it felt like coming home. Thanks, saints. Worked for about three hours, bringing wood from the street into the host family's basement, bringing back memories of childhood "wood details." This group has about six families. I received an invitation to share about my recent travels as well as my visit to Ghana in 2007. They asked me a number of questions, which I attempted to answer. Extremely thankful to God for His faithfulness with these saints, and for their responsiveness to Him. Their love for the people of God radiates Christ.
After getting back to Boston about 10:30 I got up early the next morning to head to Lebanon, Ct. Once again I experienced the diversity and variety of the Body of Christ. The group in Maine sang a cappella. The one in Conn. is the only one I know with its own orchestra- six string players including a full size harp & a flute player. People call out the number of the song they wish to sing. I was racking my brains to remember the title of "Be Thou My Vision," when someone else called it out. So gorgeous with all the instrumentalists & the vocals.
Our brother Mark shared on unity from John 17 & Romans 12 & I followed with some thoughts on our brotherhood in Christ from Matt. 23:8, John 20:17, Romans 8:29 & Hebrews 2:11-12. One thing one can count on in visiting a house church is a good meal and my Lord's Suppers in both Maine and Connecticut proved that once again.
On Wednesday spent most of the day with a couple, T & H, hoping to encourage them in their faith and in their reception of the love of God. That evening we began our series on the Kingdom of God, laying a basic framework of Jesus as King, who has come in power to invade the kingdom of darkness to set the captives free. "For the Kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power." ( 1 Cor. 4:20 ESV) We toured the Mt. of Transfiguration where Jesus is revealed in all His glory as the King. (Mark 9)
Then Thursday morning took the T and spent time with our brother Gary. We are working our way through Romans- currently in 8. We looked at the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a person as the ultimate determinant of whether they were part of God's family. "You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him." ( Romans 8:9)
Drove out to Whitinsville to lunch with my close friend and brother John, taking the oppty. to make final preparations for our Regional Leaders gathering. Gratified to see our unity, which enables us to work together for the glory of God. May we be used of God to help fulfill the prayer of the Lord Jesus in John 17:20ff that "We might be one even as He and the Father are one."
Friday was a rest day. ( I have an ongoing case of O L D.) Saturday morning some of the brothers in our ekklesia got together and interact on how decisions are made in our group. Our time was limited but we made a good start.
Am exploring becoming an ESL (English as a Second Language) Teacher.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

God at Work

Seeing an acceleration in the Spirit. On Sunday had the pleasure of taking Matt & Candice out to Milford for our Lord's Day gathering. Good attendance, visitors, great hospitality from the host family, and sharing from several including our brother Josh about the importance of waiting on the Lord. Had the opportunity to give a teaching that has welled up in my heart before- the role of the Holy Spirit in "inspiring" and revealing the Word of God to believers. In addition to the usual passages in 2 Tim 3 & 2 Peter 1, we saw four separate instances in which the Bible expressly says that the Holy Spirit spoke, and the relevant quotation from the OT. We explored the unique quality of the Word as God breathed, unlike any other book written, and John 17:17, which equates the Word with truth. Also noted the "Spirit of truth" passages, and the revelation of 1 Cor 2:12-13.
Our brother Matt had the oppty. to minister to an impoverished couple from another state. I joined him on Monday. We were able to provide food, lodging, and today, with the aid of Josh & Rema, clothing. This is what it is all about. "Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."
Today met with Josh & did some study in 1 Timothy leading to several other topics. Am greatly encouraged by his growth in Christ.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Computer problem finally resolved Friday of this week. Tuesday morning met with Matt W, my partner in the gospel. Cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting together on a regular basis with the people God has given you to co-labor with. As in a marriage, communication is key.
On Wednesday trekked to CT. to visit our brother Bruce, a precious saint who, among other things, is liasing between house and traditional churches. He has spent a number of years developing relationship with key apostolic and prophetic people, in addition to numerous overseas ministry trips. Am thankful for this important resource for the development of the Kingdom of God in New England. We hiked up a nearby peak, enjoying the autumnal splendor of God's creation, and rich fellowship. I hope that those in NE HC circles can have more interaction with him.
Thursday evening met with the support/accountability group, and Friday morning with a men's Bible study working through 1 John. Perhaps the most significant encounter of the week happened on Friday evening when Rick M from Maine & I spent the early evening together. We had been in a house church years ago for a brief time & I have gathered with him since but this was the first time we had gotten together one on one. Very appreciative of the vision and burden God has given him to bring home groups in southern NH & ME together relationally & to facilitate planting new ones. Hoping to support and encourage him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Tardy in posting this week due to computer problems. Had the privilege of attending the 10th annual NE house church conference this past weekend, and introducing the speakers, Steve Atkerson & John Rexford, in the secondary track. This year Matt Durning, the conference organizer, chose the theme of leadership. Steve & John worked their way through numerous Biblical references, and much personal experience. They also entertained questions and comments. On behalf of the region, I expressed our gratitude for Steve's perseverance in ministering to us year after year. John, a relative newcomer to house churching, but a close personal friend of long standing, spoke with fervor and passion. About sixty attended including a family from PA. It is a real joy to witness people whom you know ministering to one another during the breaks, and welcoming in new people. For example, John told me that he had the chance to fellowship with our brother Nathaniel for ten minutes. I said "That's great, but far too short a time to spend with such a wonderful saint."
Also delighted to discover that Josh, who fellowships with us in E. Cambridge feels led by the Lord to enter into an equipping relationship with me.
On Sunday had the privilege of gathering with brethren in Whitinsville at a nearby park. Discussed the theme of Biblical friendship, and appealed to them to pray about visiting other churches as a group to encourage and bless them.
Matt W & I are preparing a multi-session mid week Bible study on the Kingdom of God for our group. Am happy to spend more time with them, and give space for more participatory sharing on Sundays.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Thursday evening met with the support/accountability group of brothers. While I have said this before I can't emphasize enough the importance of making one's self vulnerable and receptive to several trustworthy, godly members of one's own gender. For many years i played my cards close to the vest- spiritually & emotionally speaking- to my detriment, and those around me. It doesn't matter how gifted or mature one thinks that they are- we all need those whom we can trust to speak into our lives to help prevent us going off in bad directions. Granted that most people learn things the hard way, and that God can use that method- it's still painful and time consuming.
Saturday morning had the privilege of going to N. H. to have breakfast with half a dozen brothers. Our brother Rick M has a vision for relational unity among the house church groups in Maine and New Hampshire, a vision I joyfully support and encourage.
On sunday met with my "home" house church in a community center room in the local projects interacting with moms and children to whom M & M have ministered for the past five years. We were blessed with the presence of our brother Russ, a new family & a young brother from Brazil. M. T. shared on the theme of sin, utilizing passages from Romans 5 & Psalm 51.
This Saturday I look forward to the 10th Annual N. E. house church conference in Quinebaug, CT.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Marvelous Faithfulness of God

Sunday on my way back from Indiana fellowshipped at the Victoria House, a bimonthly gathering of brethren facilitated by George B. Our discussion centered around the feeding of the thousands by Jesus, the faith required of the disciples, and the theme of forgiveness.
On Monday recuperated from the 2,100+ mile trip. Wednesday morning walked with our brother Matt W, looking ahead to the future. God has confirmed to me that I am not to try to get into a property at this time.
Last night met with Steve L from Maine for the first time in about five years. What a wonderful testimony of what God has done in his life. Although sometimes I bemoan the reality of learning things the hard way through painful personal experience, it seems that that is how God works much of the time. I am so thankful for the depth of wisdom and maturity and love evident in this brother's life & look forward to refreshing fellowship in the future.
Also had an opportunity to sit in on part of our brother Tom H's teaching on interactive, participatory gatherings.
Also spoke to Mark K from IN. Am so thankful to God to learn that he is out of the hospital doing well physically & spiritually.
Deeply gratified with my fellowship with our brother Gary. We are very slowly working our way through Romans, but receiving & learning more by not rushing it. I am thrilled that he is becoming a "workman that need not be ashamed, one who correctly handles the word of truth." ( 2 Timothy 2:15)

Saturday, September 25, 2010


As I continue to travel around the body of Christ in the U. S., I find myself wanting to ask any number of people the following question. Does the Holy Spirit contradict Himself? I suspect most Christians would regard this as a no-brainer. Of course He doesn't. Yet I find a growing number of believers who live their lives in a way that says He does. What do i mean? I believe it is the Holy Spirit that changes the Bible from words on a page no different from any other ancient writing into the Word of God. Verses such as 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Hebrews 4:12, John 6:63 and many others support this understanding. If in truth the Bible is inspired by God, then it is inerrant and authoritative. In turn the Bible says that it is the Holy Spirit that reveals the truth of the Word of God to us as John 14:26, 16:13, 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 attest. Yet far too many "Christians" seem allergic to either the Bible or Biblical teaching.
I should not be surprised by this because the Bible predicts it. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV)
I find many people who claim to receive something from the Holy Spirit that either do not realize nor care that the Bible says something completely different. Hence my question. Does the Holy Spirit contradict Himself?
For those interested in a clear, concise explanation of the current housing collapse and resultant economic woes, I suggest Thomas Sowell's book, "The Housing Boom and Bust."
P.S. Indiana hot sauce is ketchup (according to Mark K) see last post)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Indiana Hot Sauce

Many years ago a brother named Mark asked me to serve as the best man at his wedding. After wards we lost touch for about 25 years, in which he and his wife had four children. About five years ago we regained communication, via e-mail and phone. Monday of this week he called me from Indiana to ask my help in starting a house church. Tuesday morning I drove out of Boston early, ending up that evening in western PA at my friend Miller's home. He took me out to dinner, and we had good fellowship. Our brother Stephen called from Mississippi. Later we prayed together.
Wednesday finished the thousand mile trek to southern Indiana & saw Mark for the first time in thirty years. God has revived him, using an adult daughter, Mary, as a catalyst. Thursday morning took him into a wound clinic to get his injured foot looked at, and they admitted him. I'm thankful for the time we spent together. Please pray for his physical recovery (he may lose the foot) & continued spiritual revival.
Courtesy of our brother Ron, with an assist from Bob G, met a new friend Steve, in Cincinnati. He is a gifted, generous brother who desires to be ahead of the curve spiritually. In his mid thirties, he has a heart to see the generations come together to encourage one another. I am thankful to have met him.
Tonight I have come to Rob & Shalom's home & greeted their infant son John, an active little fellow.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who is Sufficient for these Things?

"But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us speaks the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance of life to life. Who is sufficient for these things?" (2 Corinthians 2:14-16 ESV) As I come towards the completion of my third week in E. Boston I feel entirely inadequate for the ministry of reconciliation He has called me to in this place. God has given me tons of time, knowledge, grace- I need Him to do anything. (cf. John 15:5)
Very thankful for the oppty. to go with Steve & Donna to the Worchester housing projects yesterday to minister. Many people were not home, ill or sleeping but we did get to enter three apts. Encouraged and prayed with several sisters and witnessed to a young man who had suffered severe childhood abuse.
Today had the pleasure of gathering with my "home" house church. What a precious group of saints. Worshiped without our usual facilitators, taught against Universalism,fellowshipped around the Lord's Supper, and prayed for both physical and spiritual healing in the name and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank God for Marcio & Jana's hospitality.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Have completed reading a detailed refutation of Universalism, titled "All dogs go to Heaven, don't they?" by Maurice Smith. Am very thankful for all the hard scholarly work that our brother did, delving into Universalism- the idea that everyone ends up in eternal bliss with God (Heaven), and its many variants, including its first cousin, Annihilationism, the idea that people's existence comes to an end, either at the point of physical death, or thereafter. Aside from the practical issues of why the NT places so much emphasis on preaching the gospel if everyone is going to get "saved" anyway, and the inevitable moral anarchy that results if people can get away with their sin, the big problem for Universalists is that there are so many Bible references to eternal conscious punishment, many from Jesus himself. A brief sampling includes Isa. 66:22-24, Daniel 12:2, Matt. 7:13-14, cf. Luke 13:22-30, Matt 24:41ff, Luke 16:19-31, 2 Thess 1:6-10, Jude 7, and Rev. 20:10-15.
In other news, spent time with my friend Russ on Tuesday evening. Thanks for the nice dinner and the fellowship, bro. Thursday met with the bi-weekly brothers group. Thankful to God for their perseverance and the seriousness of their faith through severe trials.
Am praying about returning to full time employment in order to purchase a property to use as a base of operations for outreach to the community. May God's will be done.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Have completed another round of visits to brethren in NH, ME & MA. Thursday evening had the privilege of visiting a couple in Sharon named Mike & Heidi, and two of their friends, Mary Pat & Rowland. Mike & Heidi have just come out of a traditional church situation, and were very interested in the house church approach. They asked questions about pastors, giving, baptisms, interactive meetings etc. It is a wonderful blessing for me to have the opportunity to respond to these and other inquiries, and suggest Scripturally based approaches to them. As with others I am delighted to do as much or as little as they wish in helping them get started, should the Lord lead them in that direction.
Saturday morning drove up to the Kittery area to spend time with Chuck & Carolyn. A blessing to reconnect with them after a year's abscence. I had the privilege of gathering with them for a year about seven years ago. They are experiencing "growing pains," what to do when the group grows too large to fit in a house. I believe the Holy Spirit wants to plant the necessity of multiplication in the spiritual DNA of every group. Like so many other things, this is much easier in theory than practice.
In the afternoon visited with Tom, Shelley and their family in NH. Solid fellowship and mutual encouragement. God has used them in many ways since their arrival in the Granite State. Am amazed at the people to whom God has given the ability to work with their hands. Even though I did a manual trade for 27 years, I am one of the least "handy" people of modern times. Tom & his son Forrest are rebuilding a gutted house.
Two hours drive on Sunday morning brought me to a group new to me, in Whitinsville, MA. In distinction to a "house" church, they consider themselves a "cell" church, although they are not organizationally connected to a larger entity. I was impressed by the seriousness of their faith, and the intentionality of their approach. One nice touch was the public responsive reading of the Nicene Creed, which they do on occasion.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Thank you, God, for the friends that you give us. Got together this morning with a friend named Gary, who I've known for about five years. We have little in common- he is scientific, athletic, musical, a generation younger, and very good at drawing people out by asking them questions and showing interest, while I'm not any of those things. The real thing we have in common is a love for our Lord Jesus Christ. What a joy to see that suffice. My experience is that friends are hard to make and easy to lose. "The sweetness of one's friend comes from his earnest counsel." (Prove. 27:9b)
Tuesday evening I met with a new friend named Bob. He is a thinker, joyful, compassionate, with a genuine desire to reach out to those who don't know Christ. (Why is that so rare?)
Yesterday read a book by someone who will probably never be a friend in this life- we'll have to wait for the next. His name is Francis Chan, a S. California mega church pastor whose book, "Crazy Love" presents the balance between the unbelievable love of God, and the utter necessity of giving one's life completely to Him.
Am quartered in E. Boston now, and am praying for the "son of peace," (Luke 10), and whether God wishes me to purchase property here to serve as a base of operations for ministry. As Eli said to the young boy Samuel, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:9)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

From the Milwaukee Airport

Restored to health, survived 100 degree, high humidity weather (rare for Boston)& enjoyed dinner and fellowship with our brother Doug. God has blessed him with a younger Hispanic brother to work with in Chelsea. They do open air preaching & ministry every Saturday.
Jetted off to a house/simple church conference in the Lone Star state way too early Friday morning. (Up at 3:20 AM) Began at 1PM with a talk by Wayne J. He stated he was not a conference speaker kind of guy yet seemed to have no difficulty doing it. As I reflect back on the weekend from the vantage point of a layover in Milwaukee en route to Boston I guess I am no longer a conference kind of guy. Apparently I misunderstood the theme ( I had understood it to be about regional equipping teams- something i am very passionate about) Made a concerted effort to interact with people, not expecting them to seek me out. About one hundred and fifty attendees. Although a sprinkling had come from overseas (Africa/Australia/Britain/Malaysia) the majority were from the region. Did exchange cards with six or seven people but the reality is that I have a regional focus, and no one seemed to have any interest in New England, save one couple from Dorchester. Those leading seem to have all been former pastors/seminarians etc. One questions whether this is healthy. In short, to go that far just doesn't seem worth the time, money and energy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Small Group Dynamics

One of the realities of virtually any small group is that you have some people who are more verbal and some that are less. God seems to have created us in such a way that some people process things internally without speaking, and some process externally through speaking. If balanced properly this can work out but in practice the more verbal ones dominate the group and the less verbal ones say little, if anything. This presents a serious problem for the group. If the more verbal ones cannot be persuaded to restrain themselves they will kill the group, as people drop out. If the less verbal ones are not encouraged to speak, the group will lose what God may have contributed through them. Unfortunately the habits of decades are not easily broken. A wise individual will do his best to encourage the less verbal, and slow down the more verbal. Sadly, the leader is usually the most talkative, exacerbating the problem.
Am living through my third illness of the year, with four months to go. As I have remarked in the past, our present bodies are not meant to last, but for those who have truly placed their trust in Christ for salvation, new bodies are on the way. (1 Corinthians 15: 35-57)
God has blessed me with a room in the section of Boston that He had said I should live, and I intend to move in on the 1st. Thank you, Jesus, for your faithfulness.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Equipping Teams

The Lord Jesus has given me a vision for teams of people, with various giftings, traveling throughout the New England region. I base this on the following passage from Ephesians 4.
“And he (Jesus) gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” (Ephesians 4:11-14 ESV) The key word “until” indicates that these gifts must function until these things are accomplished. Modern day apostles (as distinct from the original company from whom the NT came) must be itinerant in nature in order to plant churches. (1 Cor. 9:2) This suggests that the other gifts are itinerant also.
These teams should be led by those with apostolic and prophetic gifts. Why? “God has appointed first in the church apostles, second prophets, third teachers.” (1 Cor. 12:28 ESV) The church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone.” (Ephesians 2:20 ESV) Most of the regular churches and house churches are led by those with shepherd/teacher giftings, which inevitably results in an inward focus that does not impact the perishing for the Kingdom of God. Apostles, prophets and evangelists look outward- to expand the Kingdom.
The need for equippers is acute. I weep when I hear people who have followed Christ for many years say that they don't know how to share their faith, or are afraid to do so. The Body of Christ needs evangelists to train people how to do this. I pray for God to identify and raise up those who will minister regionally, nationally and throughout the world.

Visiting in R. I. & Quincy

God continues to bless me with the opportunity to visit brethren meeting in homes. Sunday morning I trekked to Rhode Island, through steady rain, to visit John & Cindy and the saints who gather at their home. When I was there last summer, a young woman named Shannon visited, en route to Berlin, where she planned to serve as a missionary with a campus ministry. Neither she nor I had visited in the interim. in God's timing she appeared again yesterday. She is a bubbly, fervent believer who, unlike most of her team, has committed to a second year in Germany. I shared on the theme of honor, and we enjoyed food and fellowship together. Cindy gave me a book by a man named Francis Chan ( Crazy Love) who seems to be taking the mega church he pastors down a house church path.
Traveled thru more rain to a group in Quincy, MA which I had not previously visited, although I had met some of the people. They are a younger group, with strong singing voices, most of whom went to school in Arkansas before moving to Boston to minister the gospel. A brother named Chris shared a well thought out and planned study on the theme of brokenness, using the Sermon on the Mount as his text. They are very open to connecting with the group in E. Cambridge. Drove home thru more rain to my temporary residence. Please pray that God will provide lodging for me in E. Boston.

Computer Problems

Those of you who have read my blog for awhile know that i am a graduate of Techno Dunce University. I have tried to post a blog entry all this week. Last wednesday I met with John & Bruce, two brothers with strategic vision, who are catalytic for this area & the world. It was a privilege to connect them together, the beginning of what I trust will be a fruitful relationship for the Kingdom of God. On Friday I got together with my friend Josh. God is preparing him for abundant fruitfulness in Him. I thank God for our relationship as he & his wife prepare to go to Asia for three weeks.
Most of this last week has been spent in preparing for M. T.'s wedding, culminating in our celebrating on Saturday. I had no idea how much work this would involve, including memorizing the wedding ceremony & reciting it about seventy times beforehand. But God was glorified as we prayed together, gave a brief message about His perspective on marriage, and celebrated with Him.
As I have said numerous times 99% of our time, money and energy goes into a ceremony and a reception, that while unique, will only last a few hours. Virtually no time, money or energy goes into preparing people to live for a lifetime in a God honoring way. Just about anyone can speak vows and plan a party. Far too few come to the end of their time on earth married to the same person, and having fulfilled the Ephesians 5 desire to have their relationship reflect that between Christ and the church.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Equipping Teams

The Lord has given me a vision for small teams of people, with various giftings, traveling at least regionally to encourage the saints.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Trigger words etc.

As I continue to interact with people, it seems that we all have "trigger words," ones that set off an adverse reaction in us, usually because of some experience in our past. The problem is that most of these are not readily apparent to the uninitiated speaker using the particular word. If only two people are interacting it seems much more feasible to work through these communication roadblocks; the greater the number the more difficult.
Traditions are another problematic area. When we do things over an extended period of time (generations, centuries) it is almost inevitable that we forget why we do them. Traditions will persist for a time after the reason is lost, eventually they come crashing down. Sadly, oftentimes the original reason that sparked the tradition is a good one.
Today, as i took my walk, I fell in with a man trekking in the same direction. I regret to say that my normal response would be to say hi & good-bye & continue on my way. (My exercising is more important than conversing with him) Today, by the grace of God, I adjusted to his pace, listened to him discourse on woodworking, civic responsibility, and the problems of the woman with whom he lives. As a result I now know his name, his residential & business locations, and can pray for and follow up on him with the hope of introducing him to Christ. We need to see people as the reason why God keeps us here, rather than as interruptions to our plans. I think of the analogy of a retail store whose employees are so busy stocking etc. that they don't respond to customer inquiries.

Two for One

I have been quite dilatory in posting so will give two for one, the first, more of an itinerary of people visited; the second a few thoughts on themes/questions that have arisen.
On Sunday, August 8th, had the privilege of visiting a group in S. Hadley, an offshoot of a group in Conn. I'm thankful for Wayne & Charlene's faithfulness over many years. Am praying for their group's outreach to the college campus next door. One young couple comes from Pittsfield, where I grew up.
On Wednesday evening had the privilege of dinner at the home of Steve & Donna, a couple I am getting to know. Donna worked very hard to prepare a delicious meal & Steve educated me on the theme of storm chasing. We discussed and prayed for their outreach to people in a housing project in the Worchester area. She has a gift in inspiring worship, and he has a rare serenity exuding from his spirit.
On Thursday visited Ben & Jill & their infant daughter April. Ben has a number of gifts & interests. Am thankful for our time together. That evening met with the support/accountability group- prayed and counseled together. Friday evening had dinner, fellowship & prayer with John, Danielle & their family. What a precious couple in God's sight. John displayed a rare responsiveness that gives me great encouragement for his walk with Christ in the future. We talked over many things, including outreach to his neighbors, with whom he enjoys good relationship.
Saturday spent much of the day driving to & back from the Cape, where we rehearsed M. T. & C's upcoming wedding, a beach affair, which requires me to project much more loudly than I am accustomed to doing. We worked through everything, pausing to ask God's help & grace at one point. Looking forward to celebrating with God on what He has done in bringing them together.
Finally on Sunday, did a doubleheader, visiting with a group in NH in the morning, and with my home HC in E. Cambridge in the evening. I had fellowshipped with the NH group for a full year, some years ago, and it was a particular pleasure to do so again. Kids are growing up, teenagers are becoming young adults, and God is sparking more of an outward focus. Our brother Ross visited as well- a pleasure to see & have interaction with him. Am very encouraged by Kent, Rick & Larissa.
Delighted to worship with the saints in E. Cambridge again. God is faithful & I am delighted that they have thrived in my absence. Thanked them for sending me out, which enabled me to bear fruit in the Kingdom.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


dear saints,
this past week has gone by in a blur. I'm e-mailing, editing, visiting & trying to encourage the saints. Wednesday had me getting up at 5:40, to drive to Cambridge by eight, to meet with my brother Gary. Discussed the continually controversial question of the belief that many Christians have in restricting participation in the Lord's Supper (communion) to baptized believers. In a nutshell, I find no Biblical evidence to support that view point. Then off to have lunch & fellowship with Chris from Quincy. I hope to visit this group soon. Met up with my potential Timothy, a brother named Josh in mid afternoon. We will see what develops as he & his wife pray about an intentional leadership mentoring season. Then off in late afternoon to send out our brother Anthony to the D. R. A number of us gathered together to pray for him. Finally that evening got together with M. T. & C. Rex to work on wedding prep & to discuss Biblical financial principles.
Thursday met with our brother John to explore direction for an incipient regional leaders group that has met twice thus far. I am praying that God will raise up a regional itinerant team to minister to the house churches in New England.
I had not previously studied the theme of honor Biblically. While I knew it lodged in the Scripture I had no idea of the theme's prevalence. The "honor" word group is mentioned almost two hundred times, Old and New Testaments, including eight different places in which children are told to honor their parents. ( I think this is life long, in contrast to obeying parents, which I interpret as ceasing at adulthood.) Romans 12:10b "In honor giving preference to one another."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Body of Christ

Saturday celebrated the wedding of Jose & Ashley, a young couple from the E. Cambridge house church. How the Body of Christ needs the example of godly married couples who persevere, by the grace of God, to the ends of their days in God honoring relationship. So many people contributed their various gifts and talents for free to bless the newlyweds. Musicians, cooks, a sound engineer, videographer, and a clean-up crew of at least twenty who worked for hours taking everything down and restoring the church to its original condition. Along the way the Holy Spirit ministered to many.
On Sunday went to the Sutton house church. They've grown since my last visit but retain their relaxed living room atmosphere. Spoke a little about my travels and the recurring themes. Although this group does not have a musician to facilitate worship they don't let that bother him but praise God in song anyway. I thank Ken & Anne for their ongoing hospitality.
Sunday evening saw me in Bolton, Ma fellowshipping with a group of young brethren. More nice hospitality & a fascinating skit in which our brother Ben played a reporter from the "Roman Times," and our brother Matt B portrayed a Pharisee based on the traditions of men passage in Mark 7 and the authority question in Mark 11.
Today I was blessed again with fellowship, prayer, and a walk with our brother Steve. He and his wife Donna have ministered in the Worchester projects for several years and are seeing good fruit. I look forward with great anticipation to what God will do with them in the future.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kingdom Building

One of the building blocks in the kingdom of God involves developing trust and relationship between individuals and groups. This past Tuesday participated in a meeting of house church leaders from different parts of New England, discussing characteristics of a godly leader, and vision for the various groups represented. We also spent time in prayer.
On wednesday met with Matt W & Josh from the E.Cambridge HC. We prayed together and I gave them a sense of what I believe God's marching orders are for me -to spend far more time with those who don't know Christ, praying for a man of peace (Luke 10)to begin a new ekklesia. As I review the past ten years pursuing the apostolic tradition model of N. T. patterns, and the past year visiting thirty different house churches throughout the U. S., and the reality that, except for one, they are not growing via new converts, I needed to reassess, and go back to God in prayer.
This does not mean i plan to abandon the friends God has given me, or stop visiting house churches to encourage them. It does mean a different time/energy allocation for those things. Wednesday evening had dinner with our brother Bill. Thursday had lunch with Steve, a new friend, one whose fellowship, as my brother John mentioned, is addicting. I look forward to praying with Steve again soon.
On Friday met with our brother Jason for lunch and our sister Judith after wards. Both are experiencing their youthful ideals and hopes pressured by the realities of the world we live in. May we all trust God- that He sees everything, cares immensely, is still on the throne, and will work out everything for His own purposes, to the praise of His glory.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Victorious Jesus

One year ago I visited a group in Monson, MA consisting of one adult male and a total of six people. Last Saturday our Lord Jesus gave me the opportunity to visit this same group again. One dozen people, six of them new converts, and a even proportion of men. They are converted, baptized, Bible reading, gospel preaching, enthusiastically worshiping brethren who blew me away with their testimonies of how God had changed their lives, and that of others. (A number of others besides the six I met have received Christ, including one the day before.)One woman, who had experienced chronic pain in an arm, received prayer one night, went to sleep, woke up, began ironing clothes, and suddenly realized at the third garment that she had no more pain. God had healed her. She ran down weeping to her husband's home office, holding her arm up in the air, which she had not been able to do for years. How exhilarating to hear this and other testimonies.
As I spoke with Sanford, the man who, with his wife Deb, had founded the group, I discovered several catalysts. The first is that he is one of the most humble brothers I have ever met. Secondly, he left a well paying, high stress job when he felt God lead him to do so, which produced an availability to reach out to those who don't know Christ. He & Deb trusted God and persevered in prayer. Then they focused on their affinity group, Deb's large extended family that lives in the area.
I recall praying with them for her cousin Mark, whom they were going to see at a family picnic last summer. He was the first that God called. Jesus then used him to reach both his family, including three young adult children, and his own brother & his wife. This led to the conversion of their oldest son & his fiancee. And it won't stop there. I left there flying in the Spirit. Thanks for letting me hear your stories.
On Sunday drove to S. Hadley to gather with Wayne, Charlene and the saints. Had an opportunity to share along the lines of my last post, (Matthew 9:35ff) Thankful for their response. God will work mightily through us if we respond to the Holy Spirit.
Am excited about what God is doing in this region (New England)& eager to follow Him.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Red Letter Day

Google searched the phrase "Red-Letter Day," just now as I intended to use it for the title of this post & wanted to know its origin. Apparently church festivals were marked in red on church calendars in the Middle Ages. Well yesterday was a red letter day for me. (No consensus on whether the phrase requires a hyphen) Met up with my friend, brother & Timothy, Josh for lunch & received the glorious news that he and his wife Rema believe the Lord wants them to labor in the gospel with us rather than return to CA, as they had originally planned. I respect the months of prayer that went into this decision. God has used them powerfully already, and their growth in Him is sure and steady. The Lord Jesus is building a team to take His gospel into the city of Boston.
When Jesus tells his disciples to pray for laborers to send into the harvest, the context indicates people will hear and receive Him, if we tell them. (And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Romans 10:14) Instead of trying to get people to come to us, let us go to them.
Yesterday afternoon & evening had the joy of renewed fellowship with my dear friend, brother & comrade in arms, Doug. Hadn't seen him for about a year but God is faithful. We are restored to more than our former relationship as God continues his patient, painstaking work to make us more like Christ. The source of our deep, rich fellowship is a love for God, and a love of His Word. May the Holy Spirit use us to inspire others to hunger for the same.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vision Casting

A little tardy with this post. The Lord Jesus put another piece of the puzzle in for me the other night. In the same way that children are influenced by their parents, I think that new believers are influenced by the "flavor" of Christianity that they grow up in. I suspect that most people brought into the kingdom in a charismatic context probably remain charismatics while most who receive Christ in a Reformed context probably remain Reformed. (doctrines of grace) My first 12 years in the Lord were heavily influenced by a man (Jim Durkin) with a very large vision, someone who genuinely believed that the gospel needed to be preached in the whole world, and made significant, fruitful efforts to see that come to pass, planting almost a hundred churches in the western hemisphere and in Europe. I find most people don't think this way or of themselves as "kingdom builders" (1 Cor. 3:10) While I tend to think large scale because of Jim's influence I don't have the giftedness to fulfill what I believe needs to occur. So I try to recruit others with various gifts, talents, perspectives to fulfill the vision.
Last Wednesday slept much of the time to make up for no sleep Tuesday evening on the plane. Thursday night met with my accountability brothers for whom I thank God. Saturday morning off to M. T's men's gathering in Southie. Saw several brothers hadn't seen in two years plus some of the young stalwarts. Sunday gathered with brethren in Whitinsville for part of their worship. Powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Then off to Milford to join the E. Cambridge group at Marcio's. Delighted to meet our brother Alex, his Mom & 2 friends who came to visit. Also had an opportunity to talk with & field questions from Marcio & his friend Roberto.
Monday trekked to Cambridge to see my friend Gary & catch up with what God is doing with him. Ended up sharing about four Biblical reasons why God established marriage. I guess marriage is in the air, or maybe I just know a lot of young people. Had the privilege and joy of praying a blessing at Dale & Laurie's wedding,and will have the oppty. to speak words of encouragement at Jose & Ashley's wedding, and to officiate at Matt & Candice's wedding. Thanks, guys.
Also great to hear from my brother Doug, who has completed a lengthy and honorable military career. As he enters civilian life, he will continue working and bearing fruit in the kingdom of God.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back to Beantown

Busy day Sunday. Breakfasted with our brother Marcus, discussing a number of topics. We spent the most time on the vision that God has given to him & his wife Kristina, of concentrating on people in the same neighborhood in which he teaches & she ministers to pregnant mothers thru nursing. God is blessing them with a domicile. I am personally convicted that I need to spend far more time with those who don't know Christ. The Lord wants me to do the same things that i attempt to do with Christians- listen, respect, love, offer counsel & value. In my travels several people have presented a Luke 10 paradigm of kingdom growth & gospel presentation based on Jesus' instructions to the seventy-two disciples that He sent out. As I consider the thirty odd home groups that I visited in the last year, one common denominator is that they are not seeing any marked growth via new converts. Many reasons can be presented for why not but it seems to me like a car with flat tires. There is nothing wrong with the car itself but we need to fix the flats in order to use it. So I am very thankful for those, like Marcus & Kristina, who are exploring different approaches.
Had lunch with my brother Jeff at Carrows restaurant. Thanks, Jeff & then off to the S. F. Bay house church gathering. Matt W shared on the love of God, a theme that never grows old & is always needed & then we had a rich time of prayer for our sister Angela & others. Monday's highlight was dinner & fellowship with our brother Andrew at an Indian place. Later we walked along the beach. Glad to know that he is doing well. Thanks bro, for the time together. Tuesday evening had the oppty. to share a little with the S. F group again on the Luke 10 theme before heading off to the airport, an overnight flight, and no sleep.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Flew to the West Coast early Thursday morning, with a courtesy drive to the airport by our brother Nic. Layover in Denver broke up the flight but made it longer. Arrived in Oakland, picked up luggage & rental car, fought thru traffic to Berkeley & arrived for Dale & Laurie's wedding rehearsal. They had asked me to give a benediction. An efficient wedding coordinator put us thru our paces & then off to an Italian restaurant for the rehearsal dinner. Wonderful to see most of the S. F. Bay house church. Too tired by then to be very fruitful.
Finally got to sleep about 11 pm west coast time courtesy of the hospitality of our brother Fred. Friday had dinner with my brother Jeff at another Italian place, and then back to the Friday night gathering at Fred's to receive God's blessing.
Off early Saturday morning to Berkeley for the wedding. Several hundred in attendance, beautiful piano pieces, a vocal by our sister Angela, and lots of people dressed in black- suits or dresses- i didn't know that was a wedding color, but what do I know. Our brother Matt officiated, God blessed Dale & Laurie, and we all headed over to the Marina for the reception. Highlights were Dale singing, and then dancing to his wife. I wonder whether Laurie knew she was getting married to a combination of Frank Sinatra & Fred Astaire. He has amazing talent. Best man Chris gave a humorous roast of his best friend. Hope Dale & Laurie have a wonderful time in Hawaii.
Took a walk on the pier afterwards with Fred & Mari. Saw a halibut someone had caught, a thin bodied fish.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God's Joy

Enjoyed a blazing hot Monday with C & C. Thank you God, for their hospitality & fellowship. On Tuesday trekked north, to John & Debra's home. What joy God gives us in true, tested friends. They have provided a pleasant basement suite, complete with desk, bed, closet, chest of drawers, refrigerator & love.
Already good conversations, questions & responses, prayer- with much more to come. Finally had the oppty. to do a little study on God's joy. Up until recently I have not ever seen God as joyful. Loving, yes, persevering, patient, triumphant but not joyful. Yet David writes that at God's right hand are pleasures forever more. (Ps. 16:11) Joy is the second of the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22. Nehemiah tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. (8:10) For the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame. (Hebrews 12:2) Paul writes that the "kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Rom. 14:17) Jesus says, "These things have I spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." (John 15:11) Although I believe that joy is only one aspect of who God is, I think He lives in delight.
Today in the midst of pre-Cal errands, i had the privilege and blessing of lunch with brothers Ken & John. we discussed vision- what God has been impressing on us- and walking together with Him. While we all feel tough times are ahead for the Church, the country & the world, we believe that God is at work. He desires to see the charismatic & evangelical wings of the Body come together. He wants to build the Kingdom by taking people out of darkness into light. He wants to restore gifting to the Body, and build on the right foundation. (Eph. 2:20) He wants us to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. (Heb. 12:2a)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Before moving from Russ' place to Bud's home, met a 9 yr. old boy named Evan, apparently the son of a single mom, whom I did not meet. Even though he didn't say it explicitly, he yearned for a dad, a man in his life, and was young enough to believe that possible. How many Evans are out there, who will end up in gangs, or unnatural relationships etc. unless the Body of Christ reaches out to them?
Thursday evening met with Russ & Bill, part of the men's group I've have participated in for many years. I'm thankful for these brothers, who don't hesitate to challenge me if they think I'm getting off the track. May God bless all of us with those in our lives who will speak the truth in love.
Friday morning went to the bible study at Jake's garage. One dozen men from a number of churches participated. First Friday of the month is a time of prayer. Jesus asks in Luke 18:8b whether, when He returns, He will find faith on the earth? In context this refers to praying believers. I trust He will & this group encourages me in that belief.
Friday afternoon, in conjunction with Matt, Mary & their family, visited Josh & Rema, and made an appeal to them to remain in the Boston area to work together with us. I should mention that God has responded to the prayers of many and given me clarity of direction. For the remainder of the summer will continue in itinerant ministry in New England, visiting various individuals & groups. In the fall i commence a one year commitment to ministering in E. Boston with the ekklesia there. I hope to rent a room & find work in the immediate area. Am hoping that God will provide laborers to bring in a harvest of souls into His kingdom.
Saturday morning received the warm hospitality of Dave & Chris, friends from the Jesus People days, a healthy pancake breakfast, fellowship, answers to questions & catching up. Later Saturday trekked back to CT. to spend time with Chris & Carolyn. Both are deep thinkers whose company I enjoy.
Today had the blessing of visiting the house church in Waterford and sharing a little of what God has shown me over the past year. Afterwards had a strong time of prayer with Paul & Donna. I thank God for their friendship & hospitality.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Continued in the serenity & hospitality of Dale & Helen through Monday morning of this week. Received a visit from a Pastor Kopan (sp?) & some of his family. This brother, now in his eighties, is of Ukrainian origin, was drafted into the Second World War, where he received Christ and was baptized to the accompaniment of Russian tank fire. His stories of God's work brought history alive.
Took daily walks including a memorable one through the woods with my agile brother Dale, up & down hills, across streams & over little wooden bridges. On Sunday had fellowship with the E. Cambridge group. Thank you God for what you are doing in their midst. Had an opportunity to share a little on kingdom building, one heart at a time, and the authority that God has delegated to us as believers.
Monday drove up from CT., Had dinner with a brother Bill, saw another brother Bud, and ended up at a third brother's (Russ) place for the night. Bill cooked a fine meal. Thanks, bro. Hope to see him again later in the week.
Especially busy today. Saw Gary this morning. He has a gift of drawing things out of people. God is also honing his apologetic skills. Met his friend Tout (sp?) whom I hope to see again. Then off to see M. T. in S. Boston. Looked at the vision of kingdom building & also discussed impressions of the group in Memphis where he grew up that I visited in March. Finally had dinner with Jose & Ashley. Impressed with their growth in Christ and their desire to help others.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Strategic Vision

God blessed me earlier this week with fellowship with Bruce and his family. He has a strong vision for global outreach, particularly in Asia, including leadership development, miraculous healing, and church multiplication utilizing the Luke 10 "man of peace" concept. He is a no nonsense man whose passion is building the kingdom. As with virtually everyone else I encounter, I hope to glean from him. His wife Eileen made particularly healthy dishes (thanks Sis)and we had a spiritually invigorating time of worship with his sons Stephen & Jonathan, even though I banged my tambourine too loud.
Yesterday I moved on to Dale & Helen's home, where I have enjoyed gracious hospitality. Dale is an elder statesman in the faith with exemplary humility. He has afforded me opportunity to read, study, pray, and have fellowship. May our Lord Jesus bless him abundantly.
This morning received a call from John, a dear friend and brother. I am reminded of Paul's exhortation to Timothy to kindle afresh the gift of God within you. John starts & builds hot fires in the Kingdom, in part because he is one of the genuine prayer warriors that I know. I am thankful for every opportunity I receive to pray with him.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Northern Conn.

Rejoined the prayer/support/accountability group that i walked with for many years prior to beginning itinerant ministry. Met a newer member, Ron, for the first time and caught up with the others. Am very thankful to God for sustaining them. I believe all Christian men would benefit from participation in a similar group meeting on a regular basis.
Thursday had the joy of spending time with my brother and friend Josh, looking at themes like conflict, eldership, and God's creation. A very special privilege and joy for me to receive Josh and his wife Rema's hospitality & fellowship. They granted me a rare privilege of listening to the saga of my youthful European travels. Thanks, guys. On Friday off to make my mortgage payment at the dentist, a lengthy traffic laden drive to northern CT. & the hospitality of Nathaniel & Eden, a godly young couple.
Saturday we were off on a hike in a state forest to the Heublein Tower. Good exercise, enjoyment of God's creation, and their fellowship. The previous night we visited the plaque commemorating the spot where Jonathan Edwards preached his famous sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."
Sunday they hosted the brethren at their home. We enjoyed the Lord's Supper and worship together. Had an opportunity to speak on the theme of conflict between believers.
"Go to my brothers and say to them,'I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God." (John 20:17b ESV)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sustained by the love of God

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7-8 ESV) Have enjoyed a relative week of peace in a little hideaway on the beach, courtesy of close friends. Thank you, Jesus.
Last Sunday had the joy & privilege of fellowshipping with my home "sending" church. My, how they have grown- in numbers, spiritual maturity, participation, and love for one another. Thank you, Father, for a special treat of joy with them. Our brother Caleb came up from Maryland. I'd not seen him for several years. I'm thrilled to see what God is doing in his life, and look forward with great anticipation to what He will do in the future. Josh did a splendid job of facilitating worship & his wife Rema offered up a fervent, heartfelt prayer. I had the opportunity to speak a little on some of the things that Jesus is doing now. We tend to concentrate on what He did in the past (His first coming as related in the gospels) & what He will do in the future (His Second Coming) but very little on what He is doing now. Is He just sipping lemonade somewhere? Unfortunately we couldn't dig in to everything but did mention Jesus sitting at the Father's right hand, praying (interceding) for us, and preparing a place for His bride.
Last night I had the privilege of spending time with M. T. & C. Rex. Among other things, we discussed the love and the Word of God. Tonight I rejoin the men's support/accountability/prayer group with brothers with whom I have walked for many years.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Spending a week apartment sitting while my friend Matt & his family are in Texas. Although I appreciate the many people who made me meals or took me out to eat, it is nice to cook for myself. Had good fellowship with the Tuesday morning gang at Jake's working through Hosea 4, an indictment of Israel that applies to 21st century America. Then fellowship with our brother Bud throughout the day & Monday.
One can't help thinking about the near total irrelevance of the North American Church. We rarely minister the gospel, spend most of our money on ourselves, and if we become Biblically literate, too many of us spend most of our effort arguing theological minutia.
On a happier note M. T. & Candice have asked me to marry them, an honor I have not ever received in the past. I've known and developed a good friendship with the groom over the past five years, and have known the bride since her birth. Looking forward to celebrating with them as they begin their married journey.
Speaking of marriage, only 4 weeks until I scoot out to CA for Dale & Laurie's wedding. Keep counting down the days, brother. You're almost there.
Waiting on the Lord for clarity of direction. "Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" (Psalm 27:14ESV) Hope to see many of my friends in the New England area over the summer.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Back in Beantown (Boston)

Last Wednesday I returned to the Boston area after nine months of travel plus two months in Connecticut. My good friends Josh & Rema provided a warm welcome. That evening had dinner with Matt & Mary (thanks for the veggie pizza, Mary)& Gary. Had a good time of prayer & worship. Had good fellowship with Josh on Thursday & took a walk down a bicycle path. Friday I had the joy of participating in the men's group at Jake's mechanic shop that i attended for several years before my departure. Good time of prayer & fellowship. Later that morning went to the dentist to make the equivalent of a mortgage payment on his house in exchange for work on one tooth. Ah, the bane of my physical existence. Am really looking forward to the new bodies we will receive in the next life. (1 Corinthians 15:35-49) Saturday had a good visit with my friend Gary. Am very thankful for his friendship & our brotherhood in Christ. Off to see my brother Kevin & his family. Torrential downpour flooded the soccer field where his son hoped to finish his game. Took a long walk along semi-rural roads.
Sunday finally got to gather with my home house church, the people who sent me out last year. Ironically many of them were away, but God blessed us with a number of visitors. We had widespread, encouraging participation. I hope to see the rest of them next week. Then off to Gloucester with my friend Russ, an elder at a traditional church, who has graciously committed to attending the group once a month to encourage us. He provides a helpful, objective outside influence. I thank God for him.
For the moment I am still traveling from place to place in New England, hoping to see all the many people with whom God has provided me with relationship. Anticipate remaining in New England for the summer. After that I don't know what God has for me- further travel, possibly internationally, or settling somewhere, and if so, where? Appreciate the prayers of the readers of this blog that I receive God's direction.

Friday, June 4, 2010


As I reflect back upon my almost year long journey through the U.S. visiting individuals, couples, families and groups, one of the prominent themes is one of appreciation and thankfulness, to God first, and to the people I visited, second. I thank God for His ongoing love and faithfulness in my life, protection, and the gentle urging of the Holy Spirit to enhance my relationship with Christ. I am thankful for the things He taught me, and for those things that He reminded me of.
People provided lodging for all but about six nights, prepared numerous meals & took me out to eat for many more. They gave me clothes, toiletries, books, money, and technology like a used GPs & a new Blue Tooth device. (Required in a number of states instead of hand held cell phones.) They took me to retreats, conferences, and a variety of other meetings. They prayed with me, allowed me to teach or share, and spoke to me about their lives and situations. I did a lot of listening. I discovered that virtually everyone eats meat, most use body wash instead of bar soap, and almost everyone stays up later than I do.
Other significant themes include the incredible diversity of views and approaches to the Christian life and interpretations of the Bible; a widespread deep concern about the future of this country and the world; and a lot of financial issues. God kept showing me the importance of trust as a foundation to any good relationship.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sugar House Inn

The Sugar House Inn, my final stop before returning to New England today, is a small cabin in upstate New York with no electricity or running water. It does have a wood stove & oil lamps, and an attached outhouse. Hardy & Katrine, my host & hostess used it for several years for making maple syrup from trees on their property. More recently their German craftsmanship proved its worth as I slept through a tremendous thunderstorm, snug as a bug in a rug, as the old saying goes, without a drop of rain.
From last July 1st, I've traveled through parts of thirty states, and made almost forty stops with individuals, couples, families & larger groups. These visits ranged from single night stays to a four month stint in the San Francisco Bay Area. I ate everything from a catfish burrito to Filipino cuisine to quinoa and ate out more in the last year than the previous fifteen or twenty. I attended two conferences, a handful of regular church services and about twenty-nine separate home gatherings. I slept on air mattresses, couches, beds. I wrote a short story, finished a novel and transcribed an old novel from typewritten pages to computer, editing along the way. I took walks everywhere- along country fields bursting with corn & soybeans, on Pacific & Gulf beaches, down Chicago streets, and in Memphis parks, suburban areas, and forested lanes.
God introduced me to a number of wonderful brethren, reacquainted me with many more, often after a thirty year hiatus & blessed me to visit relatives & old friends. In my next post I'll discuss some of the prominent themes that the Lord brought out during the trip.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Faithful in the little things

Homeowners may laugh at me, but today is the first time I've used a lawnmower since my childhood, when I used a blade only (no engine) (prehistoric) type. This was finally superseded by a riding lawnmower when my parents purchased a house with a big lawn. By then my youngest brother was ready to take over. Today's model was fueled by gas but this did not prevent it conking out every two minutes when it filled with three week high grass. On the one hand it brings home to me the incessant labor attendant on home ownership. On the other, it reminds me of Luke 16:10a. "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much..." (I'm adapting the thought out of its Biblical context, which involves integrity in handling money.) If we're faithful to mow the grass weekly, we don't end up with an arduous task. A reflective person can see the analogy to our spiritual lives.
Am enjoying the hospitality & fellowship of Rob & Shalom. Rob was the first mentee that the Lord gave me over a decade ago. I'm very thankful for the privilege. Last August he married a godly woman named Shalom, whom I now have the opportunity of getting to know. She is seven months along. I appreciate her ethnic cuisine, serene demeanor, and receptivity to Scripture.
Tomorrow I move on to upstate New York to visit my friends Hardy & Katrine. Unfortunately they live in an area with no cell phone reception. Then next Wednesday I should trek on to New England.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Visiting my friend Miller in western PA the last several days. He is one of the most encouraging people I know. Through e-mail his ministry extends worldwide. I've had the blessing if introducing about ten of my friends to him, and he has provided abundant encouragement to them. On Monday I drove from Dover, DE to the Pittsburgh area, experiencing a 90 min. traffic jam in which I traveled four miles, and the "privilege" of paying almost $10 in tolls for a 150 mile cruise on the Penn. Turnpike.
Tuesday Miller & I strolled around a local lake & a college track. Today we had lunch with a young pastor named Anthony, an engaging, enthusiastic brother. Miller's friend Mary came over this afternoon & they played a piano duet (Variations on a Theme by Haydn) by Brahms for me. She has encouraged me greatly in my fiction writing. Tomorrow I travel to Scranton to visit my friend Rob & his wife Shalom.
Last night & this morning we spoke to our friend Stephen from Miss. He sounded full of joy & we enjoyed our fellowship with him. He gave the following verse for us to ponder. "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes." (Psalm 119:71 ESV)
We also watched a video about the young Chinese pianist Yundi Li. God has given him staggering talent; may he use it for His glory.
I've also begun reading "The Apostolic Bible," a interlinear featuring the Septuagint (Greek translation of the OT)& the NT in Greek. The English translation reflects the Greek word order. The title is based on the fact that the apostles quoted from it, rather than the Hebrew OT, in the NT writings. Thank you Kevin C for this gift.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last Thursday drove to Dover, DE, home of my friend George's friend Denny. Had not previously visited Delaware. Now the only states I have not ever traveled in are North Dakota, Louisiana, Alaska & Hawaii. Denny provided hospitality & fellowship for me, introducing me to a number of the saints. Kenny has a vision for multiplying cell churches. He asked whether house churches were multiplying. I regret that for the most part the answer to his question is no. On Sunday we attended both their larger gathering (all the cell groups), and in the evening one cell group. This one has a younger couple, who had lived together, came to Christ, and realized their need for marriage. The bride, who came from a hard background, testified that for the first time in her life she felt like she had a caring, genuine family. That represents the best testimony I've heard in my travels. Kenny has a heart for evangelism & a desire to minister itinerantly.
Denny also introduced me to a woman named Hana (approx. 75), a woman of prayer & faith. We got together with several others to pray Saturday morning. Although they feel isolated in Delaware, God is working in their midst. Also had fellowship with a couple named Jay & Ellen, and explained the house church approach to them.
Took a walk one evening & saw more rabbits than I've seen anywhere in my travels plus two dead black snakes by the side of the road, one squished by a car. Our Lord Jesus has crushed Satan under His heel & given us victory. "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you." (Romans 16:20 ESV)